Critical Load Registry

The Critical Load Program maintains a registry of electric accounts for facilities that help preserve the public health, safety, and/or welfare of the community.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Critical Load Registry?

The Critical Load Program is a registry of public safety accounts that include hospitals, water/wastewater facilities, and police & fire stations that meet certain criteria and are crucial to the preservation of health, safety, and /or welfare in the community.

When planned outrages or service interruptions are scheduled, we will attempt advance notice so preparations can be made to mitigate issues that may be caused by an electric outage., It also means that registered members will be prioritized in electrical power restoration efforts to the extent possible.

What does Critical Load Status mean during a power outage?

Our Critical Load Program does not guarantee these accounts are exempt from planned service interruptions or Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) load shed or rolling outage events. Registered members are not exempt from the financial responsibilities to pay timely for electric utility services provided or from potential termination of service in accordance with CTEC policies.