Understanding My Bill

Account Summary

This box gives you your account number, billing date, and due date. It will also let you know the amount due if the bill is paid after the due date.

Illustration highlighting a section near the top right portion of the bill

Message Field

The message field gives information about co-op happenings, member meetings, saving tips, and more. Check it every month to stay up-to-date and informed.

Illustration highlighting a spot on the left in the middle section of the bill

Consumption Information

This section will give you a description of the location of the meter and the meter number. It provides the service dates, letting you know what days the electric usage occurred. It also lists the total amount of kWh used and how much you used at the same time last year.

Illustration highlighting a line in the middle section of the bill

Power Cost Pass-Through

This charge reflects the actual wholesale cost of power to CTEC, which is passed to you without markup.

Illustration highlighting a line in the middle section of the bill

Transmission Cost Pass-Through

This charge is for a cost shared by all electric providers in Texas to cover the cost of delivery of electricity by transmission lines.

Illustration highlighting a line in the middle section of the bill

Distribution Energy Charge

This is the per kWh charge that is designed to help CTEC recover the variable costs of distributing electricity.

Illustration highlighting a line in the middle section of the bill

Distribution Access Charge

This is a fixed monthly charge designed to help recover fixed costs associated with operating CTEC’s electric distribution system. Every active account is charged this fee even if no electricity is used.

Illustration highlighting a line in the middle section of the bill

Additional Line Items

There may be an additional line item if you are signed up for Operation Round-Up, participate in level pay, have a net metering account, or receive a bill credit or capital credit refund.

Illustration highlighting the lower section of the bill

Payment Stub

If you pay your bill by mail or in one of our offices, include this removable payment stub to ensure that your payment is credited to the correct account.

High Bill Concerns

Get answers to the most frequently asked questions concerning high bills.

Why is my bill high?

Outside temperatures are often the cause of higher bills.  Heating and cooling your home is often the majority of your total energy use. So, it makes sense that during periods of extreme heat or cold, the additional load will cause an increase in electric use.

In the winter, your heating system will run more often and will increase your electric use.  Also, the addition of space heaters, electric fireplaces or livestock heaters can dramatically increase your energy consumption.

In the summer, your AC runs more often and will increase your electric use.  Also, running dehumidifiers, pool pumps, or that refrigerator in the garage during summer months, will also add to your electric bill.

Why am I using electricity if no one was home?

If you leave your home for an extended period of time or if no one is living at the location, any appliance you leave plugged in or connected will continue to use electricity even while you are gone. Your water heater, freezer, refrigerator, HVAC system, landscape irrigation, well pump, pool pump, etc. keep on running when you're not home.  Also, any appliance or electronics that have a standby feature or clock, constantly draw electricity.

Before you leave, make sure to turn off or unplug appliances that aren't needed and adjust your thermostat to help keep heating and cooling costs down.

Why is my neighbor’s bill lower?

No two households use energy the same way, so comparing your energy bill to your neighbor's is like comparing gas mileage on different vehicles. It's best to compare your current use to your past use.  Factors that play a part in electric use include:

  • Insulation quality
  • Amount and type of windows
    Thermostat settings
  • Age of the residence
  • Age, amount, and location of appliances
  • Water heater settings
  • Habits of those living in the home
Could there be something wrong with my meter?

Often members think meter malfunction is to blame for a higher bill, but this is very rarely the cause. In fact, if a meter is malfunctioning, it's more likely to run slow or quit entirely instead of running fast.

The vast majority of meters we test function properly. If you do want your meter tested, you can call us at (800) 900-2832 or email us at the CTEC Help Desk.