Giving Thanks To Those Who Serve

Naturally, what comes to mind is the holiday at the end of the month, when many gather with family and friends to count their blessings and enjoy a shared feast. I can think of many reasons to be thankful, including the fact that I’m a member and employee of Central Texas Electric Cooperative, a business that exists to serve others. Spending every day alongside our talented employees who are focused on providing the best possible customer service to our members is truly a blessing.

However, there is another opportunity in the month to give thanks, and this one involves thanking others for making sacrifices on our behalf. This day falls on November 11, and it recognizes the men and women who have protected the freedoms we all enjoy.

This Veterans Day, I encourage you to thank the people you know—family members, friends, and acquaintances—who have worn the uniform and served this country in the military. Please take a moment to reflect on what this day is truly about: to appreciate and recognize those who serve today and who served in the past and to remember their sacrifices, service with honor and dedication—and those who love and support them. It is because of veterans and their families that we as Americans can enjoy the freedoms that we often take for granted.

No matter the branch of service or the conflict, we all owe these people our gratitude for preserving and defending our great nation. It’s a debt that we cannot repay but one that we can honor by sharing with them our thanks. We want to recognize the CTEC employees that are veterans.

  • David Bernhard - Army National Guard, 20 years
  • Glen Davis - National Guard (E-4), 6 years
  • Stephen Fielder - Navy, 20 years
  • Adolf Gold - Army National Guard, 6 years
  • Matthew Irons - Navy (E-2), 4 months
  • Mark Luedecke - Army National Guard, 20 years
  • Roper Mikulenka - Army (sergeant), 6 years
  • Bruce Ottmers - Army National Guard, 8 years
  • George Page - Coast Guard (MST3), 4 years
  • Bryan Smith - Army (E-5), 7 years
  • Gary Wehmeyer - Army National Guard, 21 years
  • Angela Wiley - Navy Reserve (E-5), 8 years