Microwave Cooking Tips

Your microwave oven will last longer, perform better, and cook foods more perfectly if you use it the way the manufacturer intended. Plus, using a microwave can help you save energy on food heating costs.

Here are some microwaving do's and don'ts that might help you.

  • Microwave your food in microwave-safe plastic, glass, or ceramic cookware. Microwaves can't pass through metal - including aluminum foil - so cooking food in it won't be a good experience. Plus metal cookware can cause sparks and even flames when it comes into contact with the microwaves.
  • Cook food that needs to soak or boil in water on the stovetop, not in the microwave.
  • Even out the food on the plates you place in the microwave oven. Thick pieces should go on the outer edges of the plate. Place food of similar thicknesses, sizes, and shapes in a circle or square in the dish so that microwaves zap each piece evenly.
  • Limit splattering and cut cooking time by covering dishes.
  • Stir, turn, and rotate food several times during the cooking cycle so the heat gets distributed evenly.
  • Chop up food before cooking it, if you can.  Small pieces of food cook quicker than larger ones.